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Light in the Darkness, With Updates

Making Disciples in Venezuela


Update, August 20, 2018, Currently, we have a donor that has graciously offered a dollar for dollar match up to $7,500. So our goal is to meet that match of a total of $15,000 by mid- September in order to execute a three pronged approach by implementing 2 pastors symposiums, 10 bible institutes and economic relief for 100 local pastors. Our objective in providing relief is not jus for the temporal need but for the long-term rectification of the Venezuelan's heart, mind and culture.

Update, July 1, 2018, The living situation in Venesuela continues to plummet into craziness.  Recently the distribution of water has been giving to the military.  The infrastructure in the cities is now at a place that running water is a luxury.  Water is being transported though out the cities because the pipes are not being repaired.  The president in his great wisdom has given the military the responsibility to distribute water, after all they are the closest to the people.  Guess who is getting paid now, to deliver water.  You guessed it, if you don't pay you can't have water.  

Update, May 1, 201,  The team in Venezuela is asking for more materials as demand rises for training from new pastor friends.

Update, March 1, 2018, We made hard cover special formatted materials for the students of Venesuela.  We did this in an effort that materials could be reused.  Its working, materials are going from student to student. Their use of life has extended beyond our hopes and beyond Venesuela.  This special format is becoming a norm with us in Central America.  All of our students are loving this formate. 

Update, January 1, 2018,  The proud fully international Nation of Panama, closes its doors to Venezuelan citizens and requires a visa for entre.  It became oficial on October 1st 2017.  Get a visa or stay home.  not drop in tourists aloud.  I know of a Venezuelan preacher who flew from Venesuela to Panama and came to Costa Rica.  While in Costa Rica the law went onto affect.  He lost his flight from Panama back to Venesuela and had to purchase a new flight out of San Jose to get back home.

Update, November 1, 2017,  Pastor Marco was back in Venezuela a few days ago.  The symposium on "Making Disciples" with the pastors went real well.  Additional pastors are asking if they too can have the Bible Instute in there churches.

Update, October 1, 2017,  Classes are being held in seven churches with a grand total of 128 students.

Update, September 1, 2017,  Materials printed in Venezuela are ready, and classes have begun.

Update, July 4, 2017,  Materiales and cash were carried in for the first 130 students.  In addition to carrying in the needed materials, a time of ministry to pastors was held.

Update: June 1, 2017,  We have worked hard to reformat the teaching materials.  Shrinking the print size by 20 to 30 percent for each course.  Today we did our first test printing,  It came in at 65 pounds.

Update: May 1, 2017,   Light in the darkness, Making Disciples in Venezuela is Launched.


It’s time to go where others fear.

The situation in Venezuela is unbelievable.  A nation that 2o years ago was the envy of Latin America today hasn't enough food to feed its citizens.  

We have had our Bible Institute in Venezuela for years but the severity of the situation has come to the forefront.  We have been asked by our friends to help with the training and equipping of believers and pastors.  It is time for us to respond.  

Our solution to their call is obviously the Bible Institute.  The Bible Institute however will have to take on a very unique strategy to respond to the Venezuelan crisis.

Here’s what we have to face, a nation that is being ran by a dictator that is openly anti-christian and specifically anti-evangelical.  The local communities have been given over to thugs who kill, steal and terrorize to maintain control.

The economy has been destroyed to to point that the local currency is worthless.  Paper is in short supply including toilet paper, (think about it). Internet access is almost non existent.  

Our first response is a Supply Center in local churches.  A supply center will consist of all the materials a student will need to study in the Bible Institute.  We will begin with ten churches with 15 people in each church.  The materials will be passed from one class room of students to another each trimester, similar to a library.

Today we have people who want to begin their Bible Study and others that want to continue with us.

Thanks for being a part of these Supply Centers.  Thanks for taking the light of the gospel to a dark place.

By the Numbers

Donate Now

Material cost per person per year of study,  is $125.00.   

Each class room in a church will have a maximum of 15 students per trimester.  Will begin by setting up a study library in 10 churches in Venezuela.

First level of Study, “Preparation of Ministry”  $125(per person) x 15(people per Church $1,875.00) x 10 (Churches) = $18,750

Second Level of Study and first half of “Associate of Biblical Studies”  $125(per person) x 15(people per Church $1,875.00) x 5 (Churches) = $9,375

Third Level of Study and termination of “Associate of Biblical Studies”  $125(per person) x 15(people per Church $1,875.00) x 5 (Churches) = $9,375

Moving People and Training $4,000.00 per year for three years$12,000