
Llene el formulario para enviarnos un correo directamente a Costa Rica o contacte directamente al representante.

O comuníquese con nuestros representantes a los siguientes números de teléfono.


To contact the Costa Rican office you can fill the form or send an e-mail to: to contact Dr. Donald Korach directly.

Costa Rica: (506) 2235-7707

Pra. Cielo Escobar
Colombia: 320 - 273 - 0754       E-mail:

Pra. Ilka Guerra
Panamá: (507) 6760-6516          E-mail:

Carlos Soto
(504) 3252-4488     E-mail:

Moravia, San José
Costa Rica

(506) 8821-4944, whatsapp

FEMUTUA.ORG provee información sobre el ministerio Fe Mutua Latinoamérica, el Instituto Bíblico y demás intereses del ministerio

Dr. Don Korach

Dr. Donald Korach was born in the state of Illinois and moved with his family to Minnesota when he was eight years old.
It was there where he received Jesus as his Lord when he was a young boy.

Don graduated from the University of Minnesota.  He like other young people his age continued to seek out what
he would do the rest of his life. Following graduation from the university he moved to Oklahoma and completed the two-year
course at Rhema Bible Training Center in Tulsa.

It was during the spring break at Rhema in 1982, that God gave him the opportunity to visit the foreign mission field.
It was this life changing trip to Guatemala that missions became a permanent part of his life.  Don often says, “from my time in
Guatemala to present I have always known that my home would be overseas on the mission field.” Donald moved to Central America
on January 9, 1984.

In 1993 he joined forces with Keith Hershey and Mutual Faith Ministries.  Don and Keith met years earlier while
attending Rhema Bible Training Center.  He is the director of the Latin American office of Mutual Faith, which in Spanish is “Fe Mutua”.
In July, 1995, Don married his lovely bride Marjorie.  They are the parents of two children; Rachel and Donnie.
Their family resides in  San Jose the capital city of Costa Rica.

The main office is also located there which makes it feasible to reach out into the Latin American region under his leadership.